07 그룹 캐나다 조기유학NEWS수속자 진행상황도와주세요다년간 글 / 유학생모습들Christian catholic private School학비할인정보학교새로운소식미국(F1)+(F2)성공사례
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Christian catholic private School
캐나다 조기유학
작성일 : 10-05-11 10:39
[Colorado] Resurrection Christian School
 글쓴이 : 유학불…
조회 : 2,480  
주소                 6508 E. Crossroads Boulevard, Loveland, CO 80538
웹사이트          www.rcschoo.orgl
설립년도          1997 년
종교계열          Christian
구분                 남녀공학
총학생수           676 명   
학년                 K-12 학년
학비                 $4,655 (2009 - 2010)
기타비용          Registration fee $400, Retreat fee $120, Testing fee $25
특징                 ACADEMICS                       
                         *  SAT score average is in the top 25% of the nation.  
                         *  The curricular program is academically advanced.
                         *  AP courses: Calculus, History, English Biology and Physics
                         *  Sports: Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Golf, Cross Country,  
                         *  Arts: choir, symphonic, band, percussion ensemble, drama, worship leading, senior 
                             ensemble, 2D painting/drawing, 3D art sculpture & ceramics, mediatech & yearbook.
                         *  RCS is a college preparatory school, utilizing exceptional state of the art facilities  
                             including three complete computer labs, smart boards in the classroom, and 
                             innovative technology throughout the entire campus.
                         *  RCS is blessed to have a guidance counselor on staff. S/he will with students and
                             parents individually and corporately to assist them with class schedules, college
                             planning, college application, and scholarship applications.