07 그룹 캐나다 조기유학NEWS수속자 진행상황도와주세요다년간 글 / 유학생모습들Christian catholic private School학비할인정보학교새로운소식미국(F1)+(F2)성공사례
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다년간 글 / 유학생모습들
수속자 진행상황
Christian catholic private School
캐나다 조기유학
작성일 : 10-03-17 10:36
[New York] Niagara Catholic High School
 글쓴이 : 유학불…
조회 : 2,908  
주소                 520 66th Street, Niagara Falls, NY 14304
웹사이트          www.niagaracatholic.org
설립년도          1975 년
종교계열          Catholic
구분                 남녀공학
총학생수          약 158 명   
학년                 9-12 학년
학비                 $6,700 (2009-2010)
기타비용           Enrollment Fee $300, Opt Out fee $55, Opt Out Walk-A-Thon $75, Opt Out Raffle $400,
                       Opt Out Auction Ticket $120, Athletic Fee $175, Lunch $292, Yearbook Fee $95
특징                 ACADEMICS
                         *  Several Honors courses for college credit 
                         *  Men's sports: Baseball, Basketball, Football, Golf, Hockey, Tennis, Wrestling
                         *  Women's sports:  Basketball, Cheerleading, Soccer, Softgall, Volleyball
                         *  Arts: Drama club holds 2-3 productions per year.
                         *  Clubs: Art club, Calligraphy club, Campus Ministry, Chess club, Drama club, 
                             Key club, Mock Trial, National Honor Society, NC Singers, Ping-Pong club,
                             SADD, Student Ambassador, Student Counsil, Yearbook        
  A safe and secure environment that fosters academic success. An environment 
                         that develops lifelong learners. Individualized attention from a caring, dedicated and
                         highly qualified staff.
                         Challenging college preparatory curriculum with hogh academic standards and an
                         expectation of high achievement. The opportunity to partner with Niagara University,
                         permitting enrollment in college level courses, thereby gaining an advantage in the
                         competitive higher education market.